Friday, November 2, 2007

Aap vs. Tum/Tu

Salams peeps,
Today I just wanted to mention a convention of language in the Urdu language which I found interesting. When we speak of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) we say aap - which is the Proper term to speak to or speak about someone who is revered or older than you - deserves more respect than you. When we speak about Allah (swt) we say Tum or Tera or Tu which is the more common term when addressing someone - it's used to address those who are younger than you or your friends.

I always found this very confusing...I was always wondered why we don't use the more proper term for Allah (swt) and the more common term for the Prophet (saw). So I asked a semi-Scholar (lol), but someone who knows the Urdu language very well. So he told me that the reason this is done is b/c in Urdu Aap can refer to more than one person - so to make it absolutely clear that Allah is one - the term Tum/Tera/Tu is used to refer to Allah (swt). Tum/Tera/Tu cannot ever refer to more than one person. This makes absolute sense to me. I am sure there are more reasons than just this...which I have also though about. Perhaps it is b/c we should be more personal with Allah (swt) - have a very personal relationship with Him (swt) - so we can call on Him (swt)....So any other thoughts from all of you guys ? All five of you??? :)


Thursday, November 1, 2007



Assalamu Alaikum to all. Or should I say


Allô is the French word for Hello. It is one of my favorite words on paper. It's a very peppy word for Hello. It even comes with its own little hat! What more could you ask for in a word? (Not making fun of the French Language as I took French for 12+ years).

I also like
Allô because it reminds of Alloo which are potatoes in Urdu. And from there Alloo remind me of Salou Balou Eatin' Alloo (Salou=my sister Saliha, Balou=teddy bear, Eatin'=Chowing Down, Alloo-Potatoes). A little saying we made up when we were young - not exactly sure where it came from - seems like a community effort (Saliha?).

Whenever I email myself - (which is a lot) - I use the subject line
Allô to myself - It brightens up my day :)

A small word - but very lively!
