Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Aadil Khan

So as I am trying to avoid studying I keep posting new blogs.

As a contrast to Muzzammil Hassan's case, there is Aadil Khan.
http://www.newsobserver.com/news/crime_safety/story/1341674.html .

A 17 year old Muslim boy accused of murdering his friend. The details seem gruesome. Tarot cards. Garbage Bags. Drugs. Hammer. Duct Tape.

However gruesome and compelling the case seems so far, my jury is still out. This is simply because I know his family, and have met this kid before. I can't claim to know his exact involvement in this case, but I do know his parents are extremely decent, kind people. I find it so difficult to believe that their son would be involved in something so awful. On the flip side, it seems like he was in the wrong crowd of friends. And that as you know can be slippery slope. Once again I am reacting, but I do feel like so many of our youth are slipping through the cracks, or perhaps the gaping holes.

It seems like Muslims are turning more and more inward, more secluded, less willing to help others, and a lot less willing to create a community atmosphere.

More on this later, got to go study now.


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